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a3We love to share our volunteer stories about the great work they are doing.  In this piece we shine the spotlight on Sue Slade who manages our Brisbane “Treasure Time” playgroup. We ask Sue a few key questions;

How long have I been volunteering with LLTF?
11 months

Why I became a volunteer

Lack of resources in Brisbane & no volunteers to visit hospitals. When I was in hospital I felt alone & had no idea what to do. I suffered PTSD after we got home which I put down to there not being any support groups in Brisbane. I don’t want other families to go through the premmie journey thinking that they are alone when LLTF has such fabulous support available.

Work I do in my volunteering role

I hold a monthly support group in Brisbane city (Treasure Time Group). Mums relax & talk with each other about their own experiences & mums that “get u”.  Bubs play & mums catch up.

Twice a year I organise a luncheon after the treasure time group-Xmas & Easter. All mums receive a gift as do the children. I would love to be able to spread the word within the hospitals face to face. I regularly go the Mater Mothers hospital with my son Samuel & spread the word there!

What do I get out of volunteering?

Knowing I have let families know I am here with treasure time & that they aren’t alone in Brisbane is a great feeling. Letting the families know they aren’t in this journey without support.

Advice about volunteering

Don’t look back.
LLTF is a wonderful Foundation who support you from The word GO!!. Making new friends along the way & spreading the word as the prem journey is hard enough.

Thanks Sue, for everything you do for all the families, above and beyond. We think you ROCK!!

Find about LLTF Treasure Time Playgroups HERE

How else can you help?

If you have any ideas where you’d be happy to volunteer and fundraise for us, we’d love to hear them. You’ll find lots of great ideas resources and assistance here:

Volunteering: HERE

Fundraising: HERE


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